Accepted to FZD School of Design.

6:29:00 AM

I am really happy to say that I have been accepted to FZD School of Design in Singapore. I will be starting February 2014, it is only 13 weeks away but I honestly wish it would start sooner. I am excited to meet all the fellow students and lecturers alike and all the lovely staff which has been absolutely wonderful and helpful via email.
I know the year to come will be really work intensive and difficult under many aspects. But I am looking forward to all the difficulties because I am sure they will help me grow.

"It wasn't long before Jonathan Gull was off by himself again, far out at sea, hungry, happy, learning."
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

I know this also means I won't be posting updates for a while but I promise I will try not to completely disappear from Earth for a whole year! 

If you don't know this School and you have an interest in design and concept art for games/movies I strongly suggest you go and take a look at the links below

A really amazing YouTube channel which I have mentioned before which has amazing resources for both designers and artists out there. I also know a lot of photographers who find great use of the information's in those videos.

FZD School of Design - Singapore

Some links to the creative team blogs:
(will add more when I find them sorry ^^;)

Image by David Balfour

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